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Hotel Sales – the fundamentals of getting it right.

Understanding how to build your hotel sales strategy is an imperative part of building a loyal

customer base that supports your business objectives and helps maintain a thriving hotel business.

Building a sales mindset that’s ingrained across your business will ensure that all opportunities are recognised and acted upon within an optimal time frame. Standard operating procedures need to be developed for lead generation and customer profiling that provide your sales resources with good clean data which can be used for prospecting.

Sales opportunities can be discovered at all stages of the customer journey, and in the first instance it comes down to understanding how to see the opportunity and asking the right questions, at the right time.

Standard operating procedures for Inbound sales enquiries (reservations or meetings and events), must also be developed to ensure that response times are on point, contract templates (where applicable) are designed with conversion in mind, and convey the unique selling points of your business in the best possible light. It’s important to remember that customers are shopping around, however by having the key fundamentals in place for sales conversion you will beat your competition to the line.

Revstar Group have partnered with many hotels across Australia to develop sales strategies and operating procedures that cover the full spectrum of the sales cycle. Our strategies are designed first and foremost by listening to our clients and developing a full 360 degree understanding of their business. Revstar Group partner with hotels teams, providing sales training and mentoring and offer outsourced sales resources that become an extension of your business.

Revstar Group complete sales and business development support services cover the following key areas:

1. Development of standard operating procedures for all sales functions.

2. Development of specific segment strategies

3. Sales training and mentoring

4. Sales collateral and presentation development

5. Outsourced sales resources – proactive sales and account management

6. Conference and Events Sales.

To speak with a member of our team to discuss an in-depth audit of your sales processes please contact us here.


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