Hotel Location Review
Selecting an appropriate hotel development location, is undoubtably the most important decision to be made when considering a hotel project. The review process for this first step in hotel development factors in development conditions, physical condition of the site, permits required, competitive supply and demand factors (including source markets); in addition to consideration of local facilities, amenity and infrastructure to suit target markets. Revstar Group will provide a detailed location appraisal as a part of this important first step.
Hotel Market Research
When conceptualizing a hotel development, there are many important factors to take in to consideration including:
Target market
Services and facilities offered
Operational structure
Demand trends
Development scale
Resident and guest integration (mixed use)
Future operator requirements/brand standards
Hotel Project Concept and Design
Revstar Group works with both Australian based and international architectural firms. Working across all aspects of accommodation development, including mixed-use and the full spectrum of 'lifestyle living', we are able to assist in finding the best fit for your project.
Hotel Property Feasibility
Revstar Group can assist with providing full Market Feasibility Studies, which would include hotel performance (in relation to the total market of the proposed location) and a selected competitor set. This process incorporates a review of the market, the proposed site location, design concept, the facility and provides recommendations.